Saturday, July 9, 2011

Just Another Unplanned Day.

Yesterday was an unplanned day. Since I have nothing to do on weekdays, my schedule is up for anything. I almost went out with Naz but the plan got canceled while I was having my lunch with Baby at Pakli. Baby was supposedly to have dinner with her colleagues at Tony Romas. As I had nothing else better to do other than playing games at Facebook, I decided to accompany her to Sunway Pyramid anyway. Not after she offered of course. And after she persuaded me with Transformers 3. haha. Damn I am too lazy to get my ass out of the house. I don't know why. The games keep me in the house perhaps. Back to the movie story, after lunch I checked the showtime on the website hoping the movie would be running anytime around 4 because Baby's dinner starts at 6.30pm. But luck wasn't on my side. So no movie. But still, I accompanied her.

the pilot

the doesn't-bring-any-good co-pilot.

just random.

retarded face #1

 Being her companion on that day didn't mean that I'd join her dinner okay. Once we arrived at Sunway we just went thru some stores and had a tea at Pappa Rich since she was being grumpy of hunger. >_<'

My Dinosaur Milo

she has a nice smile. I know

her friend said that I look older than her. she's blind! haha

While she was having her good time with her colleagues, I had some me-time with my own boring self being. I just dinned at Carl's Jr and since the burger is as the same size of my face, I took quite a long time to finished my meal. Ate slowly while watching people's characters and behaviours and styles. 

 But then I got boring and mad of leaving my earphones at home. I wasn't in the mood for shopping because I had my first day of period so I got tired kinda easily if I walk too much. Plus my feet soles were killing me! I felt like I was walking on a hard wood or something. So I was just sitting near the sidewalk. Watching people passing by again. Then I walked again. And sit again. Went to the toilet to check my flow. I don't remember what else I'd done to waste my time the next thing I know it was 10pm and Baby rogered me to go back home. Finally!

But damn. The road was super busy  and jammed from the roadblock because there are expectedly 2 millions of people to come down for gotong-royong the very next day. We wanted to escape the traffic jam so went back to the mall to watch movie. Any movies. Just enough for us to waste time chilling rather than being caught in the middle of the traffic jam. Lucky for us there were nice seats for us to watch Transformers 3. *rezeki rezeki*.

I had to buy that pink socks to easy my foot pain. :|

Got home at 3am. The road was clear. Took us only 15 minutes from Subang to Shah Alam. Transformers 3 was such a great movie! I have no argue at all to watch it again. *ok, poyo*. But seriously, I'd give 4 out of 5. 

Ohhh. Look at the time! And I still haven't got my sleep. Blame the games! Yeah, what the hell. 

-roger and out- 


gadisbelon said...

perghhhh, sekarang dah makin ayu doe. suke aku tengok. hihi.

Insomniac. said...