Wednesday, December 29, 2010

good morning! look at the time. i woke up early today!
well i kinda had two big sisters are going back to Shah Alam today so we were having breakfast together along with my dad at Chennai Curry House.
oh btw, the ice milk tea was awesome.i am so gonna be a regular customer.haha
i woke up at 8.30am.
the weather is windy and chilly i went out to breakfast without having my shower.*like i care* *giggles*
i tried to shower.but it was too damn cold.besides i'm pretty sure i will go back to sleep when i'm back home.
to save more energy,water and time.i'd decided to be shower-less.hagagaga
and we got to play with our neighbour's persian cat!
i know it's not a big hell of a deal.but we LOVE persian. so it was big for us.

oh please forgive my bed face.alah korang pon muka cmnie jugak ape?! 

cute right? but the maid said that he is scared of strangers that's why he looks unease by the time i hold him. plus he saw kakak was coming nearer and nearer. as kakak stood beside me he just ran off all of sudden leaving a lot of his hair on my sweater.nice.

so there goes my morning.and i am yawning right know what i mean kan? haha

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