Monday, April 4, 2011

saya nak gila. ya, gila.

So I went back to Arau yesterday. And guess what, by a taxi. Yes, by a taxi all the way from Sungai Petani to Arau. Wanna know what it has cost my dad? JUST 150MYR. Harga serupa macam tiket flight kot!! Better he gives me that money rather than to the taxi driver. I told him that I wanna take a bus to Arau. But since he heard from the news that the flood in Perlis wasn't getting any better, he insisted me to take a taxi. I asked my friends in Arau earlier that night and she said that things were okay back there. And when I reached Arau, it was damn true. No air banjir melimpah at all!  I don't know la. Whatever.

I'm gonna have a crazy schedule this week. No kidding kid. I'm damn sure I will. I just had Biology test this evening. One word, disaster. Tomorrow I'm gonna have Chemistry quiz and English presentation. And the worst of all is on Thursday. I have TWO tests. Both Chemistry. At 8-10am and 11-1pm. Can you imagine that? Just an hour gap between the two tests. I'm so gonna dieeeee.
On Friday I'll have ETR presentation which my group still haven't work on any yet. Marketing ke mana. Finance ke mana. Semua ke longkang. How I wish we have 25hours per day.
Last but not least I have Biology third test on next Monday. 

So there goes my week.


gadisbelon said...

macam muke ko.heee!

Duke Archibald said...

hhaah.. ok.. kura2 tu mmg macam hg m!! haha
n bab nek teksi tu.. anak bapak la katakan...
MANJA!! hahahahah

Insomniac. said...

hahahahaha.comel macam aku kan.
ayah aku kdg2 mmg buat gila.kdg2 tak kisah lgsg.tak paham aku.
aku mmg manja.meoww meoww la katakan.haha